Be in the NOW. Do it NOW!

Focused On Entrepreneurs, Executives & Individuals

“There’s simply no need to go it alone! The need to have a mentor – who has walked in your entrepreneurial shoes, that can pull you up, keep you present, add perspective, and remind you that you have real value and purpose -- is critical not only toward your mental outlook, but to improve your core efficiency and keep you on track with your timelines, goals and objectives.”

Steve Meizlish, Serial Entrepreneur & NOWCoaching, Founder



Starting in 2014, following Steve Meizlish's discovery and intense study over a six-year period, he formally integrated A New Earth’s teachings into my traditional consulting firms work. NOW Coaching™ was born.  

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A Good Fit

NOW Coaching is engineered and laser focused on the unique needs of a select few: Entrepreneurs, Executives and Individuals. While our program is universally helpful, the greatest impact is achieved by those who are the best overall match. Attitude and willingness to make significant change are amongst the top criteria shared by our most successful clients. For more detail, to see if you’re a good fit, simply review the key characteristics that our successful clients share and schedule your free, no-obligation, 30 minute chat today!


"I know your pain. I too was the wartime general – every day, all day - and had to take care of everything for everyone." 

-Steve Meizlish, Serial Entrepreneur & NOWCoaching, Founder