Meet Steve


Steve Meizlish is a Serial Entrepreneur, Owner, Founder, Leader, Executive, Mentor and Coach. He maintains a three-decade track-record demonstrating “hands-on” growth and management skills, across an incredibly diverse array of industries. 

While some theorize from afar, Steve’s a “hands on” doer! He’s a “change agent” who transforms lives and business. He employs his unique 360-degree perspective to his many clients, teams, and companies nationwide. He is perhaps most noted for his often cited “Grow or Die” philosophy, as he secures amazing results, consistently. 

As the founder of both MeizCorp and NOWCoaching, Steve is a highly sought out Coach, Mentor, Consultant, and Speaker – exclusively targeting closely-held organizations. His focus centers on growth, problem solving and the complex psychology of decision-making.

Steve’s customized 1-on-1 engagements and amazing R.O.I. record, are priority #1. Being a successful entrepreneur since 1982, his unique approach to entrepreneurial coaching certainly addresses hard-core business issues, but, in the end, he puts the emotional, humanistic piece, first.

In fact, since 2014, NOWCoaching™ has consumed Steve’s attention in pursing his purpose-driven mission: “Be in the Now, Do It Now!”

Steve’s absolutely passionate and unapologetic about building and improving business opportunities, transforming existing models, creating out-of-the-box innovations, securing customer loyalty, and forging strong relationships with external business partners.

Keep in mind, Steve only accepts a limited and mutually select few who are committed to growth. Does that sound like you? If so, Steve is a believer that the only thing constant is CHANGE and BEING IN THE NOW!

On a personal note, Steve resides in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland and volunteers passionately on various Non-Profit Boards & Sub-Committees, with emphasis on Fund-Raising & Planned Giving, Event Planning & Operations. He’s married to the same wonderful woman for 35+ years and has two amazing children who reside in our nation’s capital.